Rebuild v1.0.0

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Rebuild header.png

Rebuild is a complete Linux image for Recore 3D printer controller boards. It comes with Klipper installed and the choice of either MainSail, Fluidd or OctoPrint.

Rebuild is still in testing There is a release candidate available: v1.0.0-RC1

Installing an image

For instructions on making a flasher image, have a look at Reflash


In order to install Rebuild v1.0.0-RC1, you need to use Reflash v1.0.0-RC0 or newer.

Latest images

The latest images for Recore are available from github:, but you can also choose to install an image directly from Reflash.

KlipperScreen is running on X, so a new config should allow rotating the screen.

sudo nano /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/90-monitor.conf

Add the following:

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "HDMI-1"
    Option "Rotate" "left"

After that, KlipperScreen can be restarted.

sudo systemctl restart KlipperScreen