Getting started

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It can be a good idea to test the board on the bench before installing it in the printer. Use the USB-C connector or the 24V power plug to power.

Once power is applied, you should see a white LED light up in the middle of the board. After a few seconds, there should be activity on the eMMC LED, the CPU LED and on the heartbeat LED.

Using Ethernet

Connect the ethernet cable between the board and your local network. Once the cable is connected, you should see some activity on the two LEDs on the RJ45 connector. You can verify that the board responds to ping requests by using the ping command in Windows and Linux.

Using Wifi

If a Wifi dongle is connected to the USB port during boot, the board should come up in Hotspot/AP mode. The network name/SSID is Recore and the password is 12345678.

If a network cable is used, the board should respond to the address: http://recore.local

For OctoPrint, once the interface is visible, run through the wizard to set up a new printer. After the wizard is done, go to the Klipper tab in OctoPrint and edit the Klipper config file. This is where the bulk of the work will happen.

On the MainSail or Fluidd image, there should not need to be any configuration necessary. Verify that the web interface comes up and that Klipper is running as expected.